The Puurlee Podcast with Nika Lawrie
Welcome to The Puurlee Podcast with Nika Lawrie!
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The Puurlee Podcast with Nika Lawrie
Manifesting Love and Healing In 2025 with Michelle Chung
This episode dives into the concept of manifesting, exploring how specificity, mindset, and emotional healing can shape outcomes. Michelle Chung shares practical tips for aligning desires with core values while addressing resistance and the importance of divine timing. We cover:
• Understanding manifesting and its principles
• Overcoming negative mindsets and childhood programming
• The role of energy and intuition in manifesting
• Healing through methods like Psyche K
• Aligning values with your vision for manifestation
• Recognizing the significance of divine timing and karma
• Explore themes of self-acceptance and femininity in manifestation
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michellechungcoach/
- Freebie: webinar - Manifest Your Soulmate - https://www.manifestyoursoulmateinperson.com/webinar-registration
- Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton
- 10x Is Easier Than 2x by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy
- Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D
CONNECT WITH NIKA: https://mtr.bio/nika-lawrie
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Welcome to the Inspired with Nika Lawrie podcast. Michelle, welcome to the show. I'm so excited to have you here today.
Michelle Chung:Hello, thank you so much for having me. It's so exciting.
Nika Lawrie:Yeah. So I'm really glad we were able to connect because we're going to talk about something that I think is a really powerful tool that sometimes people either don't believe in or feel it's too woo-woo or just don't understand the background behind it, and there's a lot of evidence that works. So we're going to talk about manifesting today and I'm really excited because you know so much more about it than I do. So, thank you, I'm happy to have you here. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Yeah, so you have an interesting story about manifesting love and kind of transforming your life. Can you, I guess, first kind of give a basic definition of what manifesting is and then share a little bit about your story? Um, the the journey is really a powerful story yeah, absolutely, um manifesting.
Michelle Chung:I guess it's like this new trend buzzword right now, right, um, I guess, to break it down really simply, it's really just being clear about what you want and asking for it and then just allowing and receiving that and having that actually happen for you. So I like to, I like to liken it to like um going to a restaurant. So if you, you know you have to choose the restaurant, first you go with a friend or you can go alone. You go with um, uh, and then you get to the restaurant, you're given a menu, so that restaurant has a particular menu that that's given. You don't get Italian food when you're in a Chinese restaurant, right? So you choose what you want from that menu. You get specific about what you want You're like maybe use your intuition and you go I feel like chicken today or I feel like a vegetarian dish. So you choose from the menu. Your waiter comes and you give your order to the waiter. You just let go, you sit back, you relax, you let your order be taken to the kitchen, the chef will start making your order and you just wait. You wait to receive it. You enjoy present company, you enjoy the time that you're having at the restaurant and you wait to receive it. So manifesting is pretty much the same way.
Michelle Chung:You have to get really clear about what you want. You know, for example, I was looking for an apartment when I was in Barcelona and you know I was finding a lot of apartments but not exactly what I wanted. It was like, you know, the balcony was too big or the balcony was too small and you couldn't put a little table and you couldn't eat there. And then my coach said you have to get more specific, you have to be more like oh, I want this particular balcony, I want this particular dish, I want this particular kind of guy or this kind of relationship. And once you get really clear on that, then you can make your request. And that's a little bit like when you're, you know, if you're religious, then you might say a prayer, you might ask God or universe for what you want, and then you send it out to the universe, you give it to the waiter, you let the chef make your order.
Michelle Chung:There is a divine timing as well, which you do have to wait. It's like in the in the seasons, when you you know you're sowing, uh, your seed in your garden. You don't reap straight away the seed that you sow. So there is a um, there is a gestation period, and then you, um, you wait, but you don't. You don't wait passively.
Michelle Chung:You have to be also in, you know, a positive mindset, um, a good vibration. Uh, you know the vibration that you hold. I know this even sounds really woo woo, but this part is quite important. If you're um in a very negative mindset and you're like, oh, this is not going to work, or like you know what's the point, or you know this, this kind of lower negative vibration, that's a lot what blocks the manifestation.
Michelle Chung:Um, but, to keep it really simple, it is just like that restaurant analogy you make your order, you, you wait, you take some actions, as in, you actually took the action to go to the restaurant, right and then, and then you wait. But you also have to look out for signs. That's where your intuition comes in, where the right people or the right opportunities or the right things will happen, and then you do need to say yes to those and take action and do those things. And then there's a huge part of it being in your feminine energy which is to receive, and that, I think, is a major issue as well, because a lot of us are so focused on you know.
Nika Lawrie:I've got to get out there.
Michelle Chung:I've got to go make it happen, I've got to go do this and we're pushing and forcing constantly that we're not so much now feminine vibration to actually receive, and that receiving part is lost a little bit. Because you know when, when someone is um, you know wishing for the right relationship, and this guy comes along and and and you're like, oh, but he doesn't fit my checklist and oh, he's not the right guy because ABC Right. So that there's a lot, you know there's, there's a lot to unpack, but but the basic simplicity of the manifesting is really just asking for what you want and and looking out for those signs and taking that intuitive action to receive them.
Nika Lawrie:Yeah, I think I love that you put that that kind of spin on it, because I know for me with my husband I dated a lot of men that were kind of like the bad boy, not so nice guys, for a long time, and my husband is really kind of the polar opposite of most of the guys that I've dated and it took me time to get comfortable with just having a nice guy that cared about me in my life, which is kind of sad. I had to change my kind of energy, my vibrations, to feel comfortable with receiving the kindness and the love and the affection that he was showing me once I was able to really change those vibrations and my kind of comfort level.
Nika Lawrie:it ended up being, you know, I couldn't ask for a better partner and a better relationship, so I think it's a really powerful thing when you decide to kind of shift your energy.
Michelle Chung:That's amazing. I love how you shared that, because I guess a lot of the time, what we're seeking and what we're wanting isn't actually what we need.
Michelle Chung:Yeah, yeah, absolutely Right. So there's a part of you that's, you know, programmed and I talk a lot about. You know the childhood programming, the beliefs that you have and a lot of people you know. We need to know more about this because that that really helps program our beliefs and, specifically, the subconscious, the beliefs, the unconscious beliefs that we've garnered, that we've absorbed since childhood. Those kind of things make us seek a certain lifestyle, a certain way of living, a certain kind of relationships. But in fact, what you're needing is potentially the polar opposite, which is the healing part and which is the complementary to what you're actually seeking.
Nika Lawrie:Absolutely. How do we so if we're feeling that kind of resistance, maybe? How do we release some of that? How do we, I guess, first identify that that is what we're experiencing, is that resistance to it, and then how do we overcome that?
Michelle Chung:Yeah, that's an excellent question and that's exactly what I'm teaching, because if you're not getting the results that you want this was something a business mentor was talking about in his podcast and it gave me this huge breakthrough because before I'd met my partner, I was single for five years. I'd gotten divorced. When I was in Sydney, I was searching for that next relationship and I ended up going traveling and trying to, I guess, find myself that eat, pray, love kind of journey. And when I was listening to this podcast and you're saying, if you're not getting the results that you want, you're resisting something. So, exactly what you've just said, how do you release that resistance? Because that's really what blocks you and a lot of people talk about like letting go of emotional blocks, mental blocks that's all part of it but that resistance is blocking you because we are all powerful, creative beings and we really can have what we ask for. It's just that resistance is in the way. So that looks like self-sabotage, making choices that you know are not quite right for you, doing things in a certain way that's not conducive to having that relationship.
Michelle Chung:For example, in my journey when I was single for five years, I ended up going traveling. I had an amazing life. And I know a lot of other single women do a lot of traveling and have this very butterfly lifestyle. That's not conducive to a relationship. A lot of guys are looking at me going well, you're leaving in two weeks and how can I have a relationship with you? And I had a lot of friends who were in the same boat. They would be constantly traveling, and so you know that kind of behavior. It's like oh, you know, I'm a free, liberated woman, I can do what I want. Yes, you can, but those have consequences and everything you know has a flow and effect. You know cause and effect. And perhaps that kind of resistance is like well, if I'm in a relationship, then I'll be trapped and I'll lose my freedom, my independence, my ability to travel. And so that kind of behavior and those beliefs is is, is, um, you know, forming that resistance towards having that relationship that you want. Even though you're saying I want a relationship, I also want a guy that I can travel with. And, um, yes, yes, you can have that, but but there's still that resistance that's blocking you.
Michelle Chung:And another really good example is one of the clients that I've worked with very successful doctor, kids grown up. She's in her mid fifties. She's amazing, she, her. Her big resistance was that because she's an A type woman, she's very able to get what she wants. She knows that if she puts her mind to it she can actually achieve it.
Michelle Chung:And that's very much the theme of a lot of us women who are entrepreneurs or career professionals, who are very goal-oriented. We know we can get what we want and so if that next relationship puts us in a worse position than being single, then you naturally self-sabotage your next relationship. That's that resistance, that's that saying well, I'm not. That's what I talk about a lot as well. It's not a fear of failure anymore, it's actually a fear of success. Because if your last relationships, like this client's her marriage, her past relationships, her parents' relationships full of fighting, arguing, super rollercoaster, emotional ups and downs, and for your own safety and your own psychological and emotional safety, you don't want that kind of relationship, but that's all you know about relationships Then that's what's going to block you going forwards.
Nika Lawrie:Right, how do we start to heal some of that trauma or the kind of those toxic patterns in order to, I guess, release the resistance and move forward?
Michelle Chung:Yeah, absolutely so. A lot of people will go to therapy, talk therapy. A lot of people talk to their girlfriends. Anyone who will listen about all the dating dramas, about all the problems with men and it's all the men out there that have the problem. They don't want commitment. It's really hard dating, can't find a good guy and it puts you into this victim mode, right? So? So firstly, you need to take responsibility, absolute responsibility, that everything you do in your life you've been the cause of. Okay, and and another huge part is that that talk therapy and constantly talking about it actually reinforces the same. It actually puts you back into that vibration of I can't find a man. Men are hard, relationships are hard and all that kind of thinking keeps putting you back and universe keeps giving you more of the same. So to release that, I do a process called Psych K, really, really powerful process. It was actually.
Michelle Chung:I found that process from the book the biology of belief by dr bruce lipton. Um, because he, from his science-based research he's a cell biologist. He's saying all the, all the emotions and all the beliefs and everything's actually kept inside the body. So when and during those, the childhood ages where we're programmed with a lot of those beliefs and they become part of our automatic uh system. So if we don't release those from our automatic system, clear that space and then put positive, healthy beliefs in place, it's like upgrading your software from version one to version 2.0, right, yeah, right, it's exactly like a computer, like where did we get this computer technology from? It's from us, yeah, we are a big computer, right? So releasing that trauma Psyche K is one of those ways. He also talks about hypnotherapy. I don't do that, but the Psyche K I do that because it has been proven scientifically to actually help you release those within 10 to 15 minutes, so it can be a super fast process and permanent as well. So it's not when is it?
Nika Lawrie:Go ahead.
Michelle Chung:Well, basically, it's going to say none of this has to be a long, drawn out, difficult, burdensome process. Actually, everything in life is supposed to be easy and effortless, and so I advocate a lot for those easy effort relationships, because that's what they're supposed to be like. They don't need to be hard, they don't need to be like difficult and drawn out. If they are, it's a learning process and that helps you get towards. You know eventually what you want, but things actually need to just be simple things actually need to just be simple yeah, what is the case like or psych, is it?
Nika Lawrie:psych k case. Like okay, yeah, what does that actually entail? Like, can you give a general kind of overview of what that looks like?
Michelle Chung:yeah, definitely. It uses muscle testing. So, um, kinesio, I have a kinesiology background so the muscle testing actually helps tap into the central nervous system, I believe, of the body, um, to give like a physical response, whether it be a yes, no or like um, uh, I'm probably going to screw this up a bit but, um, it actually gives some feedback towards what is actually happening in it, internally in the body, so that a practitioner can help you release that. So releasing it just looks like, um, visualizing, so that a practitioner can help you release that. So releasing it just looks like visualizing what that trauma looked like it can get worse before it gets better and then just allowing that to actually process. So a lot of the trauma and I'm not a trauma specialist, I'm not a psychologist or anything like that, but generally a lot of these emotions are stored in the body and if we're not allowed to process them properly and fully and and and release them, they do get stuck. So when you have um and I was speaking, um, I was on a podcast the other week and, um, we were saying the trauma doesn't necessarily have to be a huge event, like abuse or violence or anything like that. It could just be someone's snarky comment when you were a child like I use the example of when I was um I don't even know like old enough to know about fashion and I had these like flowery print tights from Kmart and I thought they were really cool and we were on the line at Sizzler.
Michelle Chung:We had a a Sizzler, you know, back in the day and you know I was with my family and you know a group of older kids in the line in front of us were looking at me and making fun of my tights and I could hear them and to me I was like, oh well, you know, as a kid you want to be accepted, especially if they're the older kids, and you know you want to be cool. And so you know I became a designer and and I worked in fashion. I worked in you know many different areas of of um, of the. You know design, industry and a lot of the things that happen to you then have a cause and effect to the career that you choose the, the. You know potentially the diets that you have, the way you want to look, the way you want to present yourself, the fuel that you take into your body creates that your physical image right To fulfill upon the beliefs that you were. You know you thought to be true or thought to protect yourself when you were a child.
Nika Lawrie:Yeah, I love that. You share that, I know. For me it's funny. I've been on a very healing journey over the last couple of years and what I found I've had some very big T traumas in my life but what I found was it was healing the little T traumas that allowed me to feel kind of released and free and have a new kind of take on life. It was really those little tiny T. You know it's like kids in high schools, you know saying yeah whatever it is.
Nika Lawrie:you know what I mean. But it's those little things that, like you don't really think matter, but they're in there, they're deep in your soul and until you kind of close that door and heal that and move forward, they're always going to kind of hold you back in little spots, especially like professionally or feeling like you know. I think they play a big role in people feeling imposter syndrome or, you know, fear of stepping out of their comfort zone, that they may be judged, those kind of things, and so I think, yeah, really focusing on those little teases is crucial for overall well-being 100%, 100%.
Michelle Chung:And a lot of people say well, you know, I had a great childhood. I didn't have any of the traumas, I didn't have any of those big tea moments that you know, as you mentioned. And it isn't so much the big ones, it's the ones that just get stuck in your body that you haven't processed. So, perhaps because the bigger ones are like the bigger ones that you pay attention to, perhaps you have done some work around that, but but the little ones, um, that you kind of just brushed off and went, oh, you know, that was just kids being kids and that was just. You know, um, but your, I guess, your inner child, your, you know, your little you is kind of like, hey, but you know, I didn't get to like get rid of that thing, like that's still part of me and I want to, I want to resolve that. So, so simply, just like, um, you know, just just journaling or talking to yourself, um, talking to your inner child, and, um, you know, asking your body, you know what, what needs to be released, or I do also felt sense exercise, um, that I learned from kinesiology I use a lot in my program as well is to get out of your head and you know, a lot of our problems and digestive issues and stress issues are because we're so much in our head To focus more on the body and just ask your body where am I feeling this tension, this stress? What does it look like? What does it sound like? Are you ready to let go and just talk to and have a conversation as you would, like a normal person? And it was really funny because I read this book years ago. I felt intuitively pulled to go through the dusty section of this secondhand bookshop and it really called to me this book written by a psychic healer and I know this sounds super woo-woo, woo, but she would talk to organs in in people's bodies in order to heal them. Yeah and um.
Michelle Chung:And one fascinating story she talked about was she was trying to heal this little girl with a, with a tumor bulging from her her eye, and she's trying to heal and she's talking to this tumor and was kind of like you know how? How come you're not healing? Like what? What is it that you need to release? And this is another thing that you know that blocks us in our manifestation. Like there's three things that actually block you. It's, it's the releasing, which is something we can actually do something about and the other two we can't do anything about. It's karma. So this little girl had been a torturer in her past life and was receiving her karma. I know it sounds terrible. She used to poke out people's eyes with a hot rod. So now she's got this bulging you know thing in this lifetime. And then divine timing. So that those three things the divine timing, the karma we we can't do much about. That's just. You know, I believe that it's in our lifetime to just live that out in this lifetime.
Michelle Chung:But the resistance you can do something about and that's that's the work that I'm doing with with the women in my program to help release that absolutely.
Nika Lawrie:I love that kind of feeds into. My next question is talking about kind of aligning ourself and our thoughts and our values with what our kind of vision is for the future. Can you give some maybe suggestions or tips that you might have to help people start to? One, maybe cultivate their vision and get more clear on what they want, but two, how to start to really align with that vision in order to manifest kind of effortlessly I guess?
Michelle Chung:Yeah, definitely. Well, the first step is definitely the release. So once you've done that release, you can start from a clean slate and the second step would be to actually rewrite. So that's exactly what you're asking now how do we rewrite our future so it's actually conducive to what we want? We basically need to get to know ourselves. What exactly is it that we want? It's like the Holy Grail in life. How much do we know about what we want?
Michelle Chung:I was reading an amazing book 10X is greater than 2X, dan Sullivan. He talks about just living a life of going for what you want, not what you need. So this is a very big part of rewriting your future is to get really to know yourself so you know what you want. And it's not bad to go for what you want. It's not greedy, it's not like you know all those things that society has programmed into us. You know we're so much into like, oh no, but you don't need that as a child. Like you don't need that candy, you don't need the. You know to go over to your friends to play date today because I'm busy. You know I can't take you there, so we've been conditioned to very much go, for you know you need to be in a relationship with a man of you know makes good money and he works a good job, and you know he's got a house already and he's got like stability. You know that that's what society tells you you need. So getting in touch with yourself and really understanding what you want.
Michelle Chung:Oh, I want a man who's like you know, really kind and generous, and you know um we have, we have um, you know he he listens to me when I'm you know, you know have PMS or something and you know, and just those, those things align to your core values and that and that's a huge one as well, because we're looking for relationships based on you know what other people say we need, but we need to start looking for relationships based on our core values and what we want, and that's really the path forward.
Michelle Chung:Those are the first steps forward, but we need to start looking for relationships based on our core values and what we want, and that's really the path forward. Those are the first steps forward, and don't be so concerned with taking massive actions straight away, because a lot of us are like you know, you have to take actions. You need to get yourself out there. You need to go on dates and give yourself some space and grace to actually connect with yourself and sit back and just go. Oh, I didn't think I really wanted that, but now I realize that's really important because that's aligned to my core values of freedom and independence and and health yeah um, so.
Michelle Chung:So give yourself some space to, to redesign a new lifetime, because you've let go of a huge part of this lifetime of programming since the age of you know, your early years, up to six or seven years old. So now you're in this new phase where you want to create a new life. Don't rush it. Give yourself some time and that will come to you as well. With that timing as well, that divine timing that I was talking about, people will start to appear once you change your energy, your vibration, your frequency, if your listeners are really interested in understanding that vibration frequency. I think Dr David I forget his name he wrote the book Letting Go. His work is in a lot of my teaching as well. He talks about the levels of vibration, of frequency, and understanding how that works. Another really good book is the Kabbalion. That talks about the universal laws and how to actually live by.
Michelle Chung:Yeah, that book changed my life for sure right right yeah and um, just playing, playing the game with the rules, instead of just trying to change the rules or defy the laws of gravity, doesn't work. You're just pushing a big boulder uphill, yeah right. So so play within those rules, give yourself some space and grace and and just um and just know that things I hate the word should, but things are meant to be effortless and easy. The universe has designed that for us. When we're pushing that big boulder uphill, we have that resistance and that that's that's the thing to recognize as well before you before much you know, into a space of like trying too hard because it really doesn't have to be that way, kind of been through and really I've really redefined what I want for my future and what my you know what my vision of myself is and really gotten very clear about the vision of what I want to bring to the world and and.
Nika Lawrie:but it took time and for a long time.
Nika Lawrie:I was very hard on myself, like why isn't this, why can't you figure it out?
Nika Lawrie:Like you're you know you're screwing things up because you can't figure out what you want to do Like, why is this so hard?
Nika Lawrie:And what I realized now, looking back, is I needed that time to heal, to let go, to stop feeling that resistance and to really start to learn enough about how the universe works and how things come and go into your life and understanding the different you know energy frequencies. And when I started to understand that my entire energy of myself changed and I feel like just the calmness that I hadn't felt before, I felt confidence that I hadn't felt before. And so, yeah, I think, giving yourself that space and understand that this is going to take some time, but it's, you know, if you keep trucking along. I have a sticker on my wall in front of my desk here and it says I will persist until I succeed. You know, if you just keep, day by day, step by step, working on things, it'll start to all kind of clarify and come together and then the universe really does start to deliver things, even when you don't even expect it. So I love that you put it that way.
Michelle Chung:Exactly, and that's the feminine, that's the feminine energy. Just allowing yourself to step back and receive that, I think, is one of the the tougher, the more difficult things now for us women, especially if you're ambitious and your career focused. Yeah, it's really difficult for us because we're so pushed in this masculine world of you know you got to achieve, you got to do it now, and if you're not doing it something with every minute of your day, you're a loser right and and you know it's okay to take a break. Even even me, like, I've been through this whole journey of like it's okay to take a break, it's okay to like sit on the couch and you know, um, you know, just do nothing.
Michelle Chung:And for the for the longest time it was, it was so hard just to do nothing. You were so used to just doing stuff all the, all the time, and that's adrenal failure, isn't it? That's like you know, your body constantly in fight, flight or freeze, and you're constantly in this testosterone-charged field, movement, and movement is good, but anything overused like another mentor, john Maxwell, said a strength, overuse becomes a weakness. Yeah, and that testosterone-fueled lifestyle has become our weakness because we've lost our feminine touch, that ability to stop and create space and say it's okay to just be me and do nothing. And it's okay that people are expecting something of me and I'm not reaching their expectations. But that's not how I want to live my life anymore, so I'm just not going to do it and it's okay.
Nika Lawrie:Yeah, I love it. I want to be conscious of your time. I know you have somewhere to be. Before I ask my last question, though, I want to ask if there's anything you'd like to share that we haven't touched on today, that you just think is really important, that you think the listeners should hear.
Michelle Chung:Definitely, I think, just to, I guess, to reinforce those you know and my next book will definitely be about that, releasing that resistance but also understanding and not forcing that process that there is divine timing and there is karma and play as well, and I guess, with those three things, just to balance out those three.
Michelle Chung:Three things and not force it or push it like, yes, there is a lot of work you can do around resistance and and letting go of that, but if, if you know, if you haven't got what you want, but by a certain amount of time and yes, it can happen really quickly that perhaps the other two are at play the karma and the divine timing.
Michelle Chung:So, you know, being more comfortable in our feminine energy and allowing that space and going, okay, maybe you know, maybe it's not meant to be for right now, maybe there's more I need to do, focus on myself or something like that. And just, I guess I know it's cliche, but be kind to yourself, like allow yourself some grace is the key. And for the longest time I was comparing myself to a lot of other people. Like you know, I should have done this by now. All my best friends have got like three kids and my other friends have got like families and stuff and you know I'm yet to have my family, but it's okay because it's the divine timing. It's not meant for my path, right now Absolutely yeah yeah.
Nika Lawrie:Well, michelle, this has been fantastic. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to connect with you and learn from you and, um, I want to commend you for the work that you're doing, cause I think it's really powerful, helping women kind of move through what can be sometimes a very difficult stage in life and really to get to the other side. So thank you for the work you're doing. You're welcome. Thank you so much for having me Absolutely Real quick before we go. Where can the listeners connect with you? Where can they find you online?
Michelle Chung:Amazing. Thank you so much. I have a brand new webinar that I'm just launching this week, actually just before Christmas, so thank you so much. We'll talk about all these things that we've just spoken about in much greater detail. Join the webinars for free. You can register for free. I'll give you the link and everyone can sign up. And I'm on Instagram, Michelle Chung Coach, and I've got my website, michellechungcoachcom. That's it.
Nika Lawrie:I'll put it all in the show notes, make it easy.
Michelle Chung:So yes, Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you for having me.
Nika Lawrie:It's been wonderful, thank you.